
March 20, 2022
Blog #10


This blog entry is about a tool in Dr. Wang's PPT about previous T3PP results. Specifically 30/118 in the hardware list. I picked the Typing.com tool as I have never heard of this website or tool in general. I wanted to get more educated on this tool as it may become useful to me in the future. 

Typing.com is a free online typing tutor, and digital literacy platform used by millions of students and education professionals around the world. Their aim is to provide valuable and free learning tools to as many schools, teachers, and students as possible. 

What the Tech?!” resource typing.com | La Veta Public Library

Ease of Use:

Kids today need to know how to type now that our world is mostly digital and online. Typing.com is a clear, engaging, step-by-step curriculum that you can customize. This is such an easy way to use as it guides you through step by step on how to access the typing.


The curriculum has been designed by teachers for teachers; students work to develop their keyboarding skills from home row basics up to mastery of advanced punctuation. The inclusion of tech literacy prepares students with crucial 21st century abilities, supports cross-curricular learning and supplies the necessary capacities for success in the classroom and beyond.  This website teaches: Computer Basics, Internet Basics, Workplace Professionalism, Office Technology, Word Processing, and Coding Essentials.

Typing.com: How To Use Typing.com - YouTube

Likelihood of Using:

I can definitely see myself using this as it is very useful for younger students. I myself wish teachers would have taught us this a lot more than they did. I feel like I don't know how to properly type even today because it wasn't a consistent use in my elementary school. With that I have learned the importance of using this and would use this technology in my elementary classroom as it also seems like a fun and easy way to use. 

Course Connection:

This connected to our course as it shows how useful it can be in the future. As specified in the classroom when Zhaos talked about classroom management, technologies for different subject matters, and technologies for instruction.  This technology to me fell into what Zhaos explained therefore it is useful for teachers to utilize this. 

Typing.com Review for Teachers | Common Sense Education




  1. Hi Alondra!
    I have never heard of this program before. I think that this wuld be a very helpful tool to have as a future teacher. As you stated, this is a great program for students as they are able to practice their typing skills. This program lets students start from the begiining and slowly work their way up to advanced. I like how this program does this, also allowing teachers to monitor the students work. I think this is a tool I would use in my future classroom! Great post!


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