
 February 06, 2022

Blog #2


This blog entry is about a tool in Dr. Wang's PPT about previous T3PP results. Specifically, 30/118 in the hardware list. I chose this website because this is one that I had never heard of before and I wanted to get educated on and make sure that this was one I had knowledge on. This may even be one of my favorite websites therefore I want to try and learn about this website to make sure I am being more open to ones I have never heard about. 

Here is the website: https://www.dreambox.com

Ease Of Use:

This website is used by providing engaging activities for students to learn and practice skills. While students' progress is tracked by teachers and parents, you are able to choose a series of lessons and activities for students to complete. Teachers can also assign specific concepts to students, this is helpful by being able to practice skills they have recently been taught.



This website is very versatile because you are able to use your own series of lessons within the time you are using this website. As you have control as a teacher to use this in order to teach your students specific topics within the website. You are able to gain a better knowledge and go at your own pace when learning the specific lessons you want you students to complete. 

Likelihood of Using:

After reviewing Dreambox I found a lot on the topic of math usage in a classroom and I feel like this will be very useful within my classroom. I can definitely see this happening for me in the classroom for students to use to reflect on what they have already learned or if they need some more learning. 

Course Connection:

I was able to view and understand that activities don't come with a traditional lesson component, but students can learn from mistakes. After an error, they are prompted by the hints that can deepen their understanding. Because of the mode of instruction, teachers might hold off on assigning DreamBox activities as homework until students are ready to learn from their own mistakes. Small groups can collaborate to complete a lesson, and can then share strategies and ideas with the whole class when they're finished. With that there was a deeper understanding of ways that this website can be used.

Websites Used:




  1. Hi Alondra,
    I have a lot of experience with Dreambox. One thing I didn't know was that you could upload your own lessons. My placement classroom uses Dreambox, but in more of a general sense. The students move through levels as they complete lessons. It is a really great tool because it is individualized for each student. As they master a concept, they can move to the next. If they are struggling with a certain concept, they will get more practice in that area.

  2. Hi Alondra,
    I have heard about how helpful this tool can be but have never researched fully the ways to implement this in your classroom. I love how both teachers and parents can see the work as they complete each problem or section. This almost pairs as a way to formatively assess where students are at in a particular concept, provide differentiated practice that challenges students individually, and communicates with their parents where their student is at with these particular concepts. In my placement we use dojo and I-ready that has that same ability to watch students on your screen and it is so helpful as a classroom management tool because it allows you to see every screen all at once. I am excited to look more into that and how I could use that in my future classroom.

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    2. Hi Alondra!
      I am kinda familiar with Lexia. I remember when kids were coming to the Boys and Girls Club and their teachers would have them work on Lexia for about 30 minutes. I wasn't too sure what all the students would do on Lexia. I remember asking about it and a teacher told me that Lexia us used to assess students and see where they are at with their reading and literacy skills were at. This would show the teacher what areas the students needed to improve on and their strong areas. I think that I would use this in my future classroom as it would show me the areas that need growth, and areas that are strong.


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