
February 06, 2022

Blog #1


This blog entry is about a tool in Dr. Wang's PPT about previous T3PP results. Specifically, 30/118 in the hardware list. I picked this blackboard technology because I had never heard of it before and wanted to learn more about it as it may be useful to me in the future.

Blackboard is a virtual learning environment website that is similar to a calendar such as canvas where this is used for higher ed. This is a system that is used to teach and learn. The software features are course management, customizable architecture, and scalable design that is able to use student authentication protocols.

Here is the link to the website:

Ease Of Use:

In a fully online format, the teacher might assign all materials to the students digitally, communicate outside of class using online tools, and have students discuss and collaborate online. But in a hybrid model, the class might meet in person only a few times a week and use Blackboard activities that students complete outside the course. Finally, in a web-enhanced model, the classes may be face-to-face, but instructors may post supporting materials like syllabus, assignments, or optional discussions online. 

Blackboard Mobile Learn app doesn't feature full benefits of website - The  Maroon


Blackboard is in a way able to be versatile because you are able to use many virtual and digital learning tools used in the courses. These are only accessible through the home section that provides several critical areas that it is focused on for classroom experience. This includes surveys, tests, and assignments. Instructors can customize grading for and assign grades to submissions. Students can view assignment and class grades by navigating to the "My Grades" section in the dropdown menu by their name. 

Likelihood of Using:

After learning about this website I'm not too sure if I would use this as I want to be an elementary education teacher for second grade and although this website is K-12 I feel as if it is advanced for the students in my classroom. Maybe once actually using it I may feel like it could be used in the classroom with my students but it isn't very likely to happen. 

Course Connection:

Blackboard is a website I like to refer to as our daily used “canvas” website. They are similar in several ways. This website may be a little more advanced for daily usage in a classroom such as surveys, word responses, and multiple choice questions. Therefore I feel as this may be a canvas in addition but more in the aspect of elementary/highschool.

Websites Used:


  1. Hey Alondra, I think blackboard is very great tool to know how to use especially with Covid and not knowing whether or not your future class may deal with online learning. Blackboard is super efficient tool for higher level students like high school or even middle school. This would be nice to see what they had missed for a day they were not at school. Being able to print and access documents used in class. I think this would not be as good for younger students just because they may not be as capable of understanding it's dynamics.


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